Saturday, April 5, 2008

6th Class - Tightening It Up

Today's weather was confusing. It wasn't one of those perky sunny days where you'd rush out to go flying. Neither was it one of those lazy cloudy days where you'd curl up in bed and just read. It was one of those hazy loony bin days where you actually have to contemplate on what to do.

I arrived at Proteus armed with new information. I never foresaw the day when reading about Engines and Electrical Equipment would make me feel better. But it did. I felt so beaten down by the last couple of classes that I actually gravitated towards technical reading to revive my battered self-confidence.

Today Chris and I spent almost two hours practicing the traffic pattern. The airport was extremely busy as it was the weekend and the Young American Eagles organization were taking kids up for rides along the Pacific Palisades. I had to hold short at the runway quite a bit waiting my turn before take off or fly two to four miles further on the Downwind leg before I could turn into Base.

I ran through the pattern five times but only landed technically four times. One of the landings I had to take off again because I could not land the plane. I cringe just in recalling the details. I somehow bounced the main gear off the tarmac and the momentum launched the plane back up in the air with its nose still pointed up. Chris added power and we took off again. I redeemed myself in my final landing where I handled everything including the rudder. Until now Chris had worked the rudders during the landings. I almost landed the plane all by myself except for the trailing edge of Chris's right pinkie resting on the yoke. Almost.

Aside from the landings, I think I got better with each round of practice. My climbs and descents are better although my turns are still overly dramatic. Procedure wise I think I feel more comfortable with each leg of the pattern. My bear talk with Santa Monica Ground (Note: Not Air) is coming along too. At the end of the day, I felt better and am looking forward to the next class.

Flight Time: 1 hr 48 mins

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